====== SCHEDULE ====== Fr, 6. Sept, 18:00 - So, 8. Sept, 18:00 \\ **SCHEDULE UPCOMING** - STWST48x4 ist bis auf 2 Clubnächte kostenlos. Für die** Clubnächte „Sonatas of Sleep/LESS“** benötigen Nicht-ARS-Electronica-Festivalpassinhaber einen STWST-5€-Clubpass. - __Sleeping Beauty Guided Tours__: **Fr und Sa**, jeweils um **21:00**. Treffpunkt: **Stadtwerkstatt Eingang** - PROGRAMM: [[#DURCHGEHEND|durchgehend]] [[#freitag|Freitag]] [[#samstag|Samstag]] [[#Sonntag|Sonntag]] \\ ===== DURCHGEHEND ====== ---- [[Locations|MAINDECK]] SLEEP48 /[[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sleep_tunnel | Sleep Tunnel]] / No Architecture / STWST Dptm. No Architects - [[LOCATIONS|ENTRANCE AREA]] QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| 48 Hours of Drifting]] / Territorium / Tanja Brandmayr - [[locations|SERVUS CLUBRAUM]] SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/hypnomachia | Hypnomachia]] / Video Dokumentation / Qualia Industries - [[locations|FOYER]] SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/heroes_of_sleep|HEROES OF SLEEP]] / Posterwand / Matthew Fuller INFOLAB / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/infolab | RiP - Randomness in Past]] / Meta Tunneling / Franz Xaver - [[locations|PUBLIC SPACE]] __ Various Times__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/rough_sleep |Rough Sleep]] / Interventionen / Brandl, Ivanova, Schrabauer, Woess - Watch out for Live-Sleeping. Go to sleep at any time during SLEEP48! Watch out for SLEEP48 Food and Drinks. Watch out for Sleep Videos. \\ ===== FREITAG ===== ---- [[Locations| Entrance Area]] __14:00-24:00__ QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Windlines]] / Installation / Tanja Brandmayr QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Movement A]] / Video Movens / Tanja Brandmayr QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Disappearing (50.000)]] / Kontext / Tanja Brandmayr - [[Locations| Workshop Room]] __14:00-24:00__ PREVIOUS LAYERS / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/previous_layers |Das Wettergebäude]] / Rückblick / STWST Archiv . [[Locations| Cafe Strom]] //14:00 – 04:00// MNS / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/mycelium_network_society|Vorschau Biennale Taipeh]] / Installation / STWST und cycleX - [[locations|DECK DOCK]] __17:00 - 22:00__ [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/reouzeri | Reouzeri]] / Offenes Gestaltungskonzept / Jakob Breitwieser - [[locations|MAINDECK]] __22:30-23:00__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sleep_battle | Sleep Battle]] / Talk / STWST + Andreas Kaindlstorfer __22:30-01:30__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sleep_battle | Sleep Battle]] / Schlafmessung / STWST + Schlaflabor __23:00-01:00__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/speculative_school_of_sleep_dance|SPECULATIVE SCHOOL OF SLEEP DANCE]] / Performance / G. Roidinger - [[locations|CLUB]] __19:33 (sunset) – 06:30 (sunrise)__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sonatas_of_sleep_less |Sonatas of Sleep/LESS]] / Club Nights - [[locations|SERVUS CLUBRAUM, 1. Stock]] __02:00 - open end__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/hypnomachia | Hypnomachia]] / Performative Installation / Qualia Industries \\ ===== SAMSTAG ===== ---- [[Locations|MAINDECK]] __10:30 - 11:00__ INFOLAB / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/infolab | Delta T ]] / Events / Franz Xaver - [[Locations|FOYER]] 11:00 - 17:00 MNS / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/radio_mns_workshop|Mycelial Radio Activation]] / Workshop / Martin Howse - [[Locations| Entrance Area]] __14:00-24:00__ QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Windlines]] / Installation / Tanja Brandmayr QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Movement A]] / Video Movens / Tanja Brandmayr QUASIKUNST / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/quasikunst| Disappearing (50.000)]] / Kontext / Tanja Brandmayr - [[Locations|Workshop Room]] __14:00-24:00__ PREVIOUS LAYERS / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/previous_layers |Das Wettergebäude]] / Rückblick / STWST Archiv - [[Locations| Cafe Strom]] __14:00 – 04:00__ MNS / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/mycelium_network_society|Vorschau Biennale Taipeh]] / Installation / STWST und cycleX - [[locations|DECK DOCK]] __17:00 - 22:00__ [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/reouzeri | Reouzeri]] / Offenes Gestaltungskonzept / Jakob Breitwieser - [[locations|MAINDECK]] __22:30-23:00__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/deep_sleep | DEEP SLEEP]] / Talk / Matthew Fuller, Shu Lea Cheang, Felix Stalder __22:30-01:30__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sleep_battle | Sleep Battle]] / Schlafmessung / STWST + Schlaflabor __23:00-01:00__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/speculative_school_of_sleep_dance|SPECULATIVE SCHOOL OF SLEEP DANCE]] / Performance / G. Roidinger - [[locations|CLUB]] __ 19:30 (sunset) – 06:31 (sunrise) __ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/sonatas_of_sleep_less |Sonatas of Sleep/LESS]] / Club Nights \\ ===== SONNTAG ===== ---- [[locations|ART Boat]] 07:00-09:30 (Abfahrt und Ankunft beim Salonschiff Florentine) Treffpunkt 6.31 Sonnenaufgang, STWST Eingang SLEEP48 / [[Bootsfahrt + Frühstück für Sleep Survivers]] / Bootsfahrt - [[locations|PostCity (extern!) ]] __10:30 – 12:30__ SLEEP48 / [[http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/en/deep_sleep | DEEP SLEEP]] / Panel „Academy of Error“ / Teilnahme Matthew Fuller