Martin Howse
PD expanded patching
5x 30min sessions friday night

Martin Howse calls for all software, electrochemical, vocal, mycelial and ingestion artists/writers and amongst others in the vicinity of Linz, Austria to gather, create and join the durational RE:TALK patching. Modelled after PLENUM, the all out all expandable plenar session that took place at NodeLondon in 2006, RE:TALK patching re-visits and un-finishes the 2006 “Totally Expanded Software Exercise Bike Supreme Work Out.”

Led by Martin Howse, RE:TALK patching seeks to create a newly forked and patched PLENUM re-versioning, re-patching conversations and plenary discussions with touch, electricity, transmission, chemistry, words, taste and inhalation. Exercising local and specific energetic transformations, wormed executions, sniffings of entropic chemical gradients and gardens, deformations of energies, compressions, degradations, mycelial/fermented rots and word composts. All patched (in any common or im-pure data/formats), committed, diffed, branched, applied to speech and finally stashed for the morning.

Martin Howse is occupied with an investigation of the links between the earth (geophysical phenomena), software and the human psyche (psychogeophysics) through the construction of experimental situations (performance, laboratories, walks, and workshops), material art works and texts. He is equally the creator of the skin-driven audio divination noise module, The Dark Interpreter, and the ERD modular synthesizer series.